Tuesday 24 September 2024

INTERVIEWS: Paddy and Chris: Road Tripping – Paddy McGuinness and Chris Harris Embark on a Quest to Unlock the Secrets of Aging Well

Images: BBC Press

By Jon Donnis

Join Paddy McGuinness and Chris Harris as they hit the road for a European adventure, filled with plenty of laughs and a bit of soul-searching. With Paddy recently turning 50 and Chris not far behind, the duo set off on a mission to discover the secrets of aging gracefully. Starting in Sweden, they'll explore how different European cultures handle midlife, all while delivering their trademark banter along the way. Expect plenty of blokey humor and introspection as they navigate this epic journey.

Interview with Paddy McGuinness

What can you tell us about this new series?

Chris and I head out on a road trip together across Europe (with not much space in our vehicle I should add). We are on a mission to explore all the different ways our continental neighbours grow old gracefully. We're at a point in our lives where we want to make the most of our years ahead, so we try out as many experiences as we can to learn how some of the oldest and well preserved people on the planet are doing it!

What experiences do you both get up to?

We've really tried to tap into both the traditional and modern methods of 'living well' that is adopted by each of the countries we visit. From Swedish saunas, to milking goats, rock climbing, and even visiting a 'gentleman's clinic'…you name it and we try it!

Was there a favourite place you visited?

I really enjoyed the experiences on the Greek island of Ikaria, seeing people leave all the complications of modern day life and technology behind, and just getting out there and enjoying everything life has to offer.

Have you learnt anything about yourself along the way?

There are some moments where we both really do some soul searching and think about how we can make the most of the years ahead of us.

Have you learnt anything about the other person?

I could mention many things about the enigma that is Chris Harris, but alongside all the laughs and banter, we genuinely learn a lot about ourselves and each other on this trip, which has been eye-opening. I have also learnt, however, that Chris has terrible taste in music and should never be given control of the car radio again!

Are there any lifestyle habits you want to pick up or lose, as a result of the trip?

I definitely think taking our health seriously is a big thing we've both learnt. We're not as young as we once were, and the science definitely tells us that!

Who had control of the car radio on the trip? Any favourite road trip songs?

You can't beat a bit of Johnny Cash on a road trip. Luckily for Chris, he was travelling with Bolton's best karaoke performer too, so the hours on the road simply melted away!

What are your favourite go to road trip snacks?

You can't beat the British classics when it comes to car snacks? Mini Cheddars, Barr Shandy and a Fry's Peppermint Cream, yes please!

Any essential travel items you always take away with you?

It's got to be the holiday swimming trunks. I'm not talking about your usual 'just popping to the local leisure centre' pair of trunks, but the brightly coloured, novelty patterned ones that only come out once a year in an effort to out-dad all the other dads at the hotel pool.

Interview with Chris Harris

What can you tell us about this new series?

Paddy and I head to Europe in a search of life's secrets for a long and full life. On top of that, we have to contend with living in each other's pockets for the duration of the road trip…so it's certainly going to be entertaining!

What experiences do you both get up to?

We try to get under the skin of each of the countries we visit and do a deep-dive into the secrets of human longevity. We embrace the great outdoors in Sweden, go surfing and rock climbing in the Greek Island of Ikaria, and go to a 'gentleman's clinic' in Switzerland, learning a lot about ourselves along the way.

Was there a favourite place you visited?

We had a lot of fun in all of the countries we visited, so it's hard to choose. I think the slower pace and the 'simple life' attitude adopted by the people on the Greek island of Ikaria was really inspiring. And time talks, as the people there are some of the oldest in the world!

Have you learnt anything about yourself along the way?

Absolutely. By the end of the series I come to some quite big conclusions based on the experiences we've had, which the audience will get to see. I've learnt that there are certainly things I can change about lifestyle to improve my health.

Have you learnt anything about the other person?

Paddy and I have been good friends for many years and we have spent a lot of time together, so I thought I knew him pretty well. But this soul-searching mission has definitely changed us; we've learnt a lot about each other and ourselves. It's been great to experience that with Paddy.

Are there any lifestyle habits you want to pick up or lose, as a result of the trip?

100%. I've learnt a lot about my own health during the trip, some of which really shocked me, so I'll definitely be taking forward the advice I've been given. I've also learnt that life is for living, so plan to do plenty of that as well!

Who had control of the car radio on the trip? Any favourite road trip songs?

Unfortunately for me I don't get a look in with the radio when Paddy is around, so I was stuck with his awful playlist of 80s power ballads, complete with Paddy himself singing along.

What are you favourite go to road trip snacks?

There was no point in me buying anything I liked for the road trip, as Paddy McGuiness almost always gets to it before I have a chance! He once threw my mint humbugs out the window, which I've still not forgiven him for. I made him stop the car so I could go and retrieve them.

Any essential travel items you always take away with you?

I think the most valuable item I take away with me when travelling with Mr McGuinness is definitely earplugs!

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